Saturday, April 29, 2023

Appearing in Awareness


Space is a convenient metaphor for awareness. But actual space, as in space-time, is only an appearance in spaceless awareness.

The universe is neither real like brahman nor unreal like absolutely nothing, but is an indeterminate appearance, illusory, mithya.

And egoic self isn’t real like atman (the self) nor unreal like anatta (no-self), but is also illusory like a dream, cicchaya, the reflection of awareness, of pure consciousness, brahman.


As space is an appearance in spaceless awareness, time is an appearance in timeless awareness.

Neither real nor unreal but not real—this is the most one can say about the universe. It's like neti neti times ten thousand.

Light reflecting off a mirror is nothing but light, but the reflection of the sun in the mirror is not the sun.


Awareness reflecting off the mind is nothing but the play of light, divine imagination, self-awareness.

The reflection of brahman in the mind (conceptual) is not brahman (the nonconceptual) but samsaric imagination.

Before enlightenment, divine imagination. After enlightenment, divine imagination.


sunlight on a daffodil—

in its perfect reflection of the sun

there is no daffodil

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