Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Gita 500

It’s not that the future is predetermined but there is no future. There is no time. There is awareness being self-aware. It’s not even spontaneous as such, as ever-existent.

Somehow, through the preeminent paradox called maya, this ever-existent satcitananda appears to be a process of self-forgetting and self-remembering within a manifested spacetime.

The driver thinks this track possesses a starting gun and finish line. But the race is already won. The way is unborn, ever-existent, and just a joyful whole. 


You can call me consciousness, you can call me existence, you can call me ananda aum, the joy of being whole.

Basically the ancient one first determines what the absolute must logically be to be truly absolute.

Then anything not absolute in nature (the absolute being obviously unborn, immutable, not suffering) must be an illusion, for the absolute is never not the absolute.

(The search of self to find the Self never ends. Like that mirage I saw on I-40 in New Mexico didn’t exactly end. But that coyote disappeared as I suddenly saw through it.)

The big bang is as much a story as the book of genesis. And there are no end times. There is no time.

The absolute is pure consciousness (another name for pure consciousness is awareness [another name for impure consciousness is that mass of consciousness experiencing those three mutable states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep—call this red hot mass Aham the I Am]). 

The absolute is ever and all existent. I am, therefore I am the absolute. Or Atman isn’t Brahman.


Advaita vedanta is like logic laced with metaphor or paradox spiked with revelation.

Sanskrit is to Latin as tatvamasi is to dominus vobiscum et cum spititu tuo.

The thing about nonduality is it only exists within duality. Believing otherwise is not nonduality, but more duality. Nonduality is not a belief. It’s an antidote for belief.

It’s all in that same old ancient line of never knowing what one is, but only knowing what one isn’t. Such is the nature of the mind’s kind of knowledge.

On the other hand, true knowing is being only. For being doesn’t merely know the absolute. Being is the absolute.

When one becomes one with any object or action, one isn’t one with its name, form, or meaning. One is one with that satcitananda upon which such name, form, and meaning is a giant superimposition.

a technicality and note of thanks

tonight's handwriting has been manifested by a christmas-gifted lamy al-star ex-fine dark purple fountain pen with a new year's monteverde usa blueberry muffin ink.

smoke on the water, a fire in the sky.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

On Seer and Seen

For every seen there is a seer, and every seer is the seen of a further seer, unless that seer is the furthest seer, the witness, the atman, is brahman.

Thus only consciousness is sentient—and the eye, mind, and person is insentient—for all sentient beings are these reflections of consciousness—

that aham present in the waking, dreaming, and sleeping quarters—fusing with a twisted ego—concluding in a red hot mass of consciousness.

Look, there is no mountain but the mountain is. That is, the so-called mountain is pure existence which the mind has formed and named a mountain.

If the rope is pure existence, satcitananda—and the superimposition of a snake upon this rope is the world, namarupa—then ignorance, avidya itself, is the one and only creator.

Maya veils reality and projects the world. As the material cause is the absolute, the efficient cause is ignorance, and the instrumental cause is thought. This is the real trinity in seer and seen.


another name for the furthest seer is the witness, the saksin, the ultimate self, atman, parabrahman.

if the body, mind, and ego are seen insentient, and i am sentient, then i am not the body, mind, nor ego.

as only pure consciousness is sentient, i am that.

the i-am, aham, is that mass of consciousness in three states. i am the fourth, that stateless state beyond deep sleep.

look, i'm not in a dream. the dream is in my ultimate self. call me atman. my mind is like a food processor. satcitananda in. name, form, and meaning out.

as the material cause is the immaterial, and as the efficient cause is this inefficient ignorance, and as the instrumental cause is misusing thought, aum.


drg drsya viveka is revelation—discriminating seer from the seen. the nikhilananda translation is very good with extensive footnotes. the tejomayananda is an excellent translation supplying sanskrit transliteration and inspired commentary. the great dayananda isn't user friendly.


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Nonduality's Thing


Deconstructing the mind is silencing the mind with reasonable argument, 

logical presentation, and the mystical truth of consciousness only.


Negating the false is one thing but being the truth is nonduality’s thing.

Renunciation is not what people think. No one renounces; there’s no doing in maya.


When ripened in the nondualities of deconstruction and consciousness, 

things naturally drop. And don’t forget the revelations.

Feel the Prana! Witness the Prajna!

Prajna is awareness reflecting in prana.

Prajna is the fourth resounding in the three states of aham.

It’s always prana in and prajna out with this body-mind transistor.

Feel the prana informing every particle of this cubic body like a nuclear reactor.

Be aware of intuitions from awareness reforming the mind in upanishads of self-awareness.

We are ouroboros, a mass of consciousness with an open head caught in the act of self-awareness.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Beyond Theories of Everything: The Truth of Nonduality (with footnotes)

Maya is to universal quantum consciousness (isvara) as avidya is to individual mass consciousness (aham). Isvara is to quantum mechanics as aham is to general relativity. Like nonduality (advaita) is to the theory of everything.

This atman includes the four quarters. The four quarters are deep sleep, dreaming, waking, and turiya, the fourth, the quarterless quarter, pure consciousness, absolute awareness, parabrahman. This atman is brahman.

Aham (I am) includes the three quarters, this mass of consciousness consisting of deep sleep, the dreaming state, and the waking state, excluding the stateless state of that fourth, turiya, parabrahman. Listen, on a little lower layer, I am that.




~Mandukya Upanishad (tr-Chinmayananda



1. ‘maya’ is the first word. and not for nothing.

2. brahman plus maya equals isvara.

3. avidya is maya relatively speaking.

4. quantum mechanics is to maya as general relativity is to avidya. none of it is real but they sure put on a good show.

5. maya, avidya, quantum mechanics, general relativity. only the names will change.

6. the personal (aham, i am) is based in avidya. the universal (isvara, vishnu) is based in maya.

7. a theory of everything will unify quantum mechanics and general relativity in the future, says science.

8. nonduality says, quantum mechanics is maya and general relativity is avidya. everywhere and always. here and now.

9. atman (the self) equals aham plus turiya.

10. Aham Equals Atman Minus Brahman!


the chorus sings:

a theory of everything will unify quantum mechanics and general relativity in the future, says science. 

nonduality says quantum mechanics is maya and general relativity is avidya now.


Atman equals Aham plus Parabrahman. I Am equals Atman minus Brahman! Atman is Brahman. Brahman is not Atman. Brahman is Atman minus Aham. I Am Is The Self. The Self Is Not I Am. The Self Is I Am Plus Awareness.

The Theory of Everything is like Atman equals Aham plus Parabrahman, I Am equals Atman minus Brahman, Atman is Brahman, Brahman is not Atman, Brahman is Atman minus Aham, I Am is The Self, The Self is not I Am, The Self is I Am plus Awareness. Self-awareness.


Bond. James Bond. Awareness. Self-awareness. Atman minus brahman equals samsara. Do not believe the myth but transcreate it faithfully. Absolute, quantum, atomic, mass, organic, active, self-awareness. That aham equals atman minus brahman is quite the concept considering atman equals brahman.

Friday, December 9, 2022

Still Dreaming Day Ananda

This dream has no beginning nor no end. Buddhas don’t stop dreaming; they just dream the Buddha stuff.

Maya is unborn as well. It’s all about multitasking, you see.

It's a matter of material perspective. Whether it’s consciousness manufacturing the dream as it is or the dream manufacturing consciousness as it isn’t, there’s still going to be a dream.

Seeing Dream Things

I am the seer of I am. I am not the seer of dreams; I am is.

To be seen, the dream resolves itself into I am. I am is the mass of consciousness, the consecrated host of self-awareness.

The waking state is not awake. That waking dream is like a dream of deep sleep feeling the pain and suffering of dreaming a dreamer.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Mass of Aham Asmi
(The Garden of Dreaming Part II)

Awareness reflecting in consciousness is like a mirage of water in the desert air. If maya is mirage, consciousness is the water, and awareness is the space of sun, that is.

Disidentifying from the world body of the mind and identifying with this mass of consciousness known as aham asmi is the universal halfway house in nonduality for aham brahmasmi.

The mind, being an insentient object in reality, cannot know the absolute subject. This is why the absolute self is named the unknown.

This mass of consciousness is the sacred manifestation of the absolute self, called true knowledge. Dominus vobiscum. Et tu parabrahman.

The Garden of Dreaming

Prana in, prajna out. This body-mind complex is a consciousness processor. Awareness is always reflecting in consciousness but one has to pan for the gold

In the garden of dreaming don’t you know that you’re always true? In a universal garden, the knowledge of good and evil is another name for avidya. In this garden of nirvana, the body-mind usurps the noumenal.

Birth and death are mythic gods, concepts to be used in processing self-awareness, and not to be believed. Consciousness identifying with a form is the condition of my conditioning. Lucid dreaming is just being the self-evident unknown.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

A Work of Self-Awareness: On Turiya, I Am & Me

Thinking is not a problem. Thinking is a tool used by the hand of being in the work of self-awareness. But thinking the thinker is the hand is not just a problem. It also hurts. The world is a big world of hurt.

In this world, love is the hand of being. The real work shall go on; self-awareness is the manifestation of that absolute awareness. Pure consciousness is another name for absolute awareness. There is no name for that.

Pure consciousness becomes a mass of consciousness in this process of self-awareness. Another name for pure consciousness is turiya, the fourth. Another name for this mass of consciousness is deep sleep, the first state in the three states of I Am.

Pure consciousness becomes a mass of consciousness to enable my dream of self-awareness. This dream is going swimmingly until I dream I am the dreamer. What comes next is not as much a waking dream as a hurting one.

map 1: absolute awareness–pure consciousness–turiya–the fourth (self-awareness (I Am (mass of consciousness–deep sleep / the dream state / the dream of the dreamer–the waking world of hurt and love))). note: the first parentheses is called maya.

map 2: some say parabrahman is outside the parentheses. some say saguna brahman includes self-awareness and maya is the second parentheses (whereas avidya is the third). some say atman is self-awareness. some say atman is brahman. some say atman is not parabrahman. tricky nondualities.

map 3: a good myth is like a circle. you must be able to enter it at any point and still be able to go full circle. in other words, a good myth must ultimately reveal the same old truth, the seeker is the sought.

map 4: the manifest is a mass of pure consciousness like ice is a mass of pure water. as there are three states of water, there are three states of i-am. deep sleep, sleep dream, dream world. and space is like the fourth, the stateless state of water.

map 5: the natural state of water depends upon so much. actually, water is a state of h2o, as is ice and vapor. saying, the natural state of h2o, is to be more accurate. this is vedanta.

epistle 1: dear cs lewis. iow, pure consciousness becomes a mass of consciousness to enable my dream of self-awareness. yours truly.

epistle 2a: between nisargadatta and vedanta my life flows. more accurately, between nisargadatta and advaita, my life flows. n talks of awareness and consciousness and i am. av talks of pure consciousness, mass consciousness, and the three states of consciousness. 

epistle 2b: iow. awareness is pure consciousness. consciousness is mass consciousness. i-am is the three states of consciousness. awareness is parabrahman, pure consciousness is brahman, consciousness is atman, the three states of consciousness, i am.

epistle3: the scene can't know the seer as an island doesn't know the sea. good acting is being the seer. great acting is knowing there's nothing else to be. the seen appears in the seer and not vice versa. the scene is seen by the eye and the eye is heard by the mind but the mind is felt by being only, being only, being only.