Sunday, October 9, 2016

Phenomenal Fantasia

1. October Flower Dance

Looking at leaves, my subtle branches intuit the stars.

There is no separation for division is exclusively a concept; what appears to be the universe is my society of being.

Only thinking makes an object from the subject, makes this jade-plated quality from that which is unknown.

As if the self-awareness of the self—the self that unknown pure awareness—is spontaneously blossoming into thermonuclear dreams of being.

There is a current underneath the chatter like the river pulling at the heart of some huckleberry backwater.

The personal is just projection from an ignorance of what I always know I am to be unknown. Stop and feel the flowers.

Love, forgiveness, and compassion like the naked roots of god only knows the stars above us.

As the universe is my single song, the absolute is silence singing.

There's intent in evolution, spontaneity is this freedom of intent and self-awareness is the song of self—that is why purple asters in October.

2. No Will

The dream is a self-powered love machine.

Everything is a thought. Even nothing. I am.

A red wheelbarrow.

Black hole white noise. 

The sea, the sea, the sea.

Shakespeare Bodhidharma.

3. Further

After irony is reflection is understanding. Comedy is always further.

One's conditioning is the mirror by which the absolute is seen. The dust is the whole point.

Feel the dust as dust.

See the leaves as always turning.

Love being and being illuminates.

Existence is a thought. Being is now. I am beyond.

The process of self-awareness is like watching sausage getting made.

Friday, October 7, 2016

An Indigenous Trip

Down by Indian Creek the leaves are turning back to that indigenous condition of an innocence before conditioning.

An unnamed stream is flowing with this hydrologic river to the absolute unknowing of the sea.

And suddenly the dream of summer celebrations on a sandbar in the middle of

this wide expanse of legendary knowledge fades like chlorophyll in hillside foliage.

There is a red-tailed hawk in pure blue skies, yellow double lines on a river road, and orange sunshine

in the loving deconstruction of yet another world.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Great Profile

I saw the Old Man in the Mountain the year before the five granite cliff ledges giving form to face collapsed.

It was Autumn 2002 and the trees up at the notch were bare, although within the valley further north the foliage was peak.

Still, the drab surroundings only made the rock face more prolific in its inspiration, as if a vision will only come alive

completely unattached and otherworldly in the murky night when sleep has overcome the colors of our daydream.

The overall effect was honestly phenomenal! But next summer when I visited again the site I saw an even greater revelation.

There in crystal skies is surfacing the Old Man’s original face.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

October Surprise

October begins with leaves 
and ends in emptiness 
and in-between occurs 
a colorful illusion 
lost to apple picking.

By November, everything is over
as if the none of it was ever there.
But that is getting far ahead of autumn things.
Stories need their telling like sleep needs dreaming.

There, a leaf is turning yellow, another
one is falling like a magic carpet
sailing in the cool fresh air,
and ten thousand erstwhile fallen
hide the ground from being self-aware.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Northeast Absolution

The wind is stuck this week. 
It’s blowing from the Northeast 
with a steadiness of force enough 
to turn the temperature on land to that of sea.

The Gulf of Maine in late September
off the coast of Northern Massachusetts
rests around the higher fifties
which is where our air is resting.

Likewise now there’s something to be said
about the art of meditation as the absolute
redeems this being no longer lost in thought
but resting in this being.

O let the sea wash over me
ten thousand yards away
as black crows fly but here
and now as silently as I.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

An Acadia Love Musical


Like a feeling but not an emotion.
Like attention without a thought.
Affectionate awareness isn't nothing 
as being isn't something.


That which appears to be the universe is universal being and
this knowledge known as being is just that.

And love is the sign of universal being to be followed like cairns
upon a fogbound trail on this rocky ground high above tree-level.

And fog so thick one has to walk past the last cairn to a point of almost-
no-return before the next one is discovered—this is called further.

Imagine this newborn matrix in affectionate awareness is
conditioned to perceive my self as something else.


Conditioning is an original error 
passed on thru generations
and love is the sign of my self—
the missing of the mark is not following it.

This is called sin.
And often misunderstood as 
an act against another.
There is no other.

There's only self, 
confusion and the way.
Hiker. Fog. Trail.
Conditioning. Sign. Self.


Meanwhile the big bang is the earthling name for like half
of the singular wholly process of godself knowing godself.

And the chorus sings love and attention,
love and attention, love and attention.


Acadia; Act Five, Scene One: after
crawling up the desert rock western slope
suddenly seeing an eastern sea and sky
in blue panoramic ultra high definition.

Monday, September 26, 2016

One Late September Morning

This morning was as close to frost since early May. 
The sun which now appears within this picture window
warms the living room in a different way than summer sun,
reminding me I’ve built a shelter for the lack of one.

When the weather in September changes,
the change I feel is not external nor objective,
but this vital breath, this subtle feeling that I am, this seeing
affecting transformation in its universal earth-bound being.

There’s nothing but this sense of one,
affectionate awareness, easier done than said,
but being is conditioned otherwise to see myself instead as some display
divided into colors, thoughts, emotions, play.

In fact the world is not in battle, bloodshed, conflict, war.
The wind is not unfriendly, frigid, spiritless, far.
I am merely being in and breathing out—
of this I have no second thoughts about.