Friday, May 30, 2014

ps3 - manifest destiny

separating from separation

the misconception that i am a separate entity—within this holistic universe—directly leads to the disorders of division and free will

seeing that i am not of this material universe—but i am the consciousness which this universe is within—directly leads to nondual awareness

separating from the material—leads to a temporary disease of division before—dissolving within the immaterial

primary nondual trinity

free will is a quaint misnomer—for that erratic motion between—the push of social conditioning—and the pull of self-awareness

there’s no volition—but there is Intent—which is the evolutionary pull of true Self upon the illusory conceptual self

the 'material' universe of consciousness is—simply a process—by which the light of awareness—becomes aware of itself—through its own Intent

Awareness, Consciousness, Intent—the nondual trinity


the universe is like—the self-created dream-state brain of—Absolute I—whose only function is—self-awareness of Absolute I

and body-mind is like—a most intricate node of That brain—whose only function via its divisional computing is—self-awareness of Absolute I

if one views the world personally one sees—an ignorant violent pointless place—but absolutely one sees—binary computations of self-awareness


there’s an evolutionary process—moved forward by the pull of Intent—and you can’t do—or not do—anything about it—enjoy!

the process is as simple as I being aware of I—the mechanics appear to be as complex as the universe of space-time and beyond all philosophy

what mind views as—spacetime and its in-dwelling universe is—the instantaneous mind-blowing incomprehensible happening of—I knowing I is


discovering what one isn’t—is the only thing a person can do—and even that is activated by Intent

there's nothing wrong about this maya, samsara, hell—it's just the finishing process of self-awareness—absolute I doesn’t take it personally

among thoughts of doing whatever—there is an intent—some call it love or bliss—i intend to follow it—but there’s a thought of doing whatever

as long as i think i’m a person—i will take things personally—which makes me think i’m a person

one either succumbs to the persuasion of belief—or surrenders to the creativity of love—there’s no actual volition ever involved

the real Secret is to know what you do not know—and not to know what you think you know

when you know you don't know anything—there’s nothing left to know


the holistic universe is the process of AWARENESS (parent) becoming aware of BEING (child) by its own INTENT (spirit) now

I Am
I Am That I Am
I Am That I Am That I

one never sees the seeing for one is the seeing—see?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

ps2 – naked universe

naked truth

at first, one wants to tell everyone—then, one notices no one wants to hear it—last, one realizes there’s nothing to say anyways

naked awareness—clothed in the sheer concept of being—filigreed with inflexible thoughts of sparkling identity

dark truth

when the body runs at peak performance, there is no body

the greatest power in the universe is self-awareness

indescribably pointless—light of universal dna—sees the dark truth

no dissolution, no desolation, no disregard

dark spirit

everybody wants to keep on living and nobody knows exactly why

death assumes the universe goes on without you—it doesn’t

before there was a river—there is that valley spirit

i was so enlightened then—i’m darker than that now

unthinkable spirit

thinking you know is further from the truth

and the ordinary is just another trap

some words are worn too easily

i'm thoroughly unthinkable

unthinkable existence

ordinary is the new extraordinary

the miraculous rises and sets every more than nanosecond—just watch but don’t believe it

the greatest show on earth is the show

grounded wonderful witnessing of constant arising developing unfolding in newfound and never seen patterns in patterns of constant arising

desert existence

it’s not comfort as much as its multifarious ways to enjoy existence—it’s not security as much as its beguiling offer to preserve existence

existence loves existence—not that there’s anything wrong with that

for the mind of existence has divided existence—and existence identifies with a dismembered member of its disremembered undivided self

there is no cactus—there’s only cacti

desert universe

scientists work in the big bang and think it’s matter—religionists work in the big bang and think it matters—the big bang plays in me, no matter

phenomenal powers in the universe reveal mutability of form in space-time—the power of self-awareness reveals immutability beyond space-time

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Nisargadatta's "very complicated riddle"

In this spiritual hierarchy, from the grossest to the, subtlest, you are the subtlest. How can this be realized? The very base is that you don't know you are, and suddenly the feeling of "I Amness" appears. The moment it appears you see space, mental space; that subtle, skylike space, stabilize you there. You are that. When you are able to stabilize in that state, you are the space only.

When this space-like identity "I Am" disappears, the space also will disappear, there is no space.

When that space-like "I Am" goes into oblivion, that is the eternal state, nirguna, no form, no beingness. Actually, what did happen there? This message "I Am" was no message. Dealing with this aspect, I cannot talk much because there is no scope to put it into words.


It is a very complicated riddle. You have to discard whatever you know, whatever you have read, and have a firm conviction about That about which nobody knows anything. You can't get any information about That, and about That you must have firm conviction. How difficult it is.

Most people reach that state which is, but nobody reaches that state which is not. It is very rarely that one can reach that state. It transcends all knowledge.

Most essential is that knowledge "I Am." Claim it, appropriate it as you own. If that is not there, nothing is. Knowledge of all the stages will be obtained only with the aid of this knowledge "I Am."

From the Absolute no-knowing state, spontaneously, this consciousness "I Am" has appeared -there is no reason, no cause. Spontaneously it has come, with the waking state, deep sleep, the five elemental play, three Gunas, and Prakriti and Purusha. Then it embraces the body as its self and therefore identifies as a male or a female. This "I Amness" has its own love to be: it wants to remain, to perpetuate itself, but it is not eternal.

This passing show may be likened to the following situation: suppose I was well all along, then suddenly I was sick and the doctor gave me medicine. After three days my fever was gone. So this stage of fever for three days is the "I Am" consciousness. Exactly like that -a passing show, a time-bound state. This principle loves to be, and one must not belittle it - it is a very Godly principle. This "I Amness" contains the entire cosmos.

It is said that all this is unreal. When is it certified as unreal? Only when one understands this temporary phase. And in the process of understanding one is in the Absolute and from there recognizes this as a temporary, unreal state.

~from Prior to Consciousness

Monday, April 28, 2014

profisee 51 – three wise monkeyshines

thoughts arise
like fireflies on a warm july night—
just watch them!
no need to catch them in a jar
and call them mine—

the subtle concept
that i exist
becomes inflexible belief
this form is me
and i will die—

all wisdoms of no thought
branch off into systems of thought
but the wisdom remains


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

the pseutra suites 1 - being


don't dwell in the empty hole of personal deconstruction—rest in the energetic fullness of impersonal being

i am

there's one knowledge: i am. call it being, presence, consciousness, spirit, big bang, christ, krishna, or god the child; all appears in it

i-am is the music of what i am—the absolute, subjective, god the parent—made manifest and amplified by its generated instrument of body-mind

the error—original sin, maya, samsara—is in identification of i-am with the body-mind and its futile seizure of command from the absolute

the error is not identification with body-mind alone, which is practically unavoidable, but in its entification and assumption of volition

the false

seeing the false as false is not the false seeing itself as false—one seeing is being while the other is just despair

the false seeing itself as false fears itself—but seeing the false as false sees itself as fearless


nondoing indicates no separate doer and not no doing—doing is universal

universal doing when filtered by the false ‘individual’ is divided doing—samsara, maya, hell

a common misunderstanding of nondoing often leads to an ‘individual’ doing as it desires thinking there’s no responsibility for its doing

as long as one thinks it’s an individual, one thinks it’s the doer, no matter how much one may think otherwise


the constant need to always be just busy doing something other than this feeling it's excruciatingly impossible to be an individual—a me

boring—as to bore a hole within the concept of a person leaving an anxiety of nothing to hold onto in its place

or rest in the apperception of totality and know there never is a me


re-integrate universally and focus one-pointedly


Monday, April 7, 2014

the pseutra of revelations

accepting body-mind as one’s foundational identity is accepting separation, division, suffering and war as one’s natural environment

every person is a fictitious entity inherently recognizing its inauthenticity and trying everything in its power to rectify the situation

free will is just conditioning we get to make us think we're unconditioned

one who seeks the proof of truth needs first to seek the proof of one who seeks the proof

without personal consciousness there's nothing—but we're not persons but impersonal Consciousness—which at total rest is Absolute Awareness

the usurpation of the absolute subjective and the division of consciousness

the tyranny of intellect and the insurrection of intuition

if you think you were born, you’ll think you will die—but you were only told you were born and no one has told you they died

in deep sleep there's an absence of the sense of presence—in pure awareness there's an absence of presence itself

science chasing its tail—searching for how consciousness appears in a world which appears in consciousness

first i am conscious the mountain exists and then it doesn’t—ultimately the mountain exists as an appearance in consciousness that i am

when an appearance disappears—that in which the appearance appears—does not disappear

consciousness is clear existential clouding of pure subjective awareness in which all objectification, identification, and revelation appear

pure subjectivity must objectify itself before it can know itself—but gets lost in the object until it hears itself calling

a process contains three simple steps—but each step is a process which contains three simple steps and so on—some get lost in the and-so-on

objectification, identification, and revelation is an integral process


anyone identified with the unnaturally stopped will oppose a turning and naturally call opening a form of nihilism

the process inevitably happens

the best you can do—intellectually—is simply see—there’s nothing you can do

all is done by that which does so let it do


Saturday, March 29, 2014

B2 - Nisargadatta Maharaj is my guru

Nisargadatta Maharaj is my guru. I never met the man.

Some will think that’s absurd. They may be correct—I’m not speaking for them or others.

Thirty years ago, a psychological therapist summed up my personal conditioning this way: your mother taught you to be absolutely afraid of the world and your father completely failed to introduce you to the world.

I was obsessed in knowing the world. I didn’t trust the world to teach me about itself.

So I read books. I became obsessed with certain viewpoints until ultimately I discovered their weakness. I moved on to another book. Another viewpoint.

The first time I read Nisargadatta’s I Am That, I was enthralled, but I stopped midway at some point—I was appalled at something I had read. But his words kept haunting me. Six months later, I had forgotten why I had been horrified, reread the chapter in question, and couldn’t find anything repulsive—only wisdom. So, in my second attempt, I finished reading the book.

For a third act, I read Ramesh Balsekar’s Pointers from Nisargadatta, the Jean Dunn translations, and the Robert Powell translations. Meanwhile I was rereading I Am That and tweeting phrases under my @Nisargadatta_M avatar—which continues to this day. To paraphrase one of my earlier teachers: something is happening but I don’t know what it is. Exactly! There is no viewpoint.

I still read books for recreation as well. It was in such a manner I began reading Gurdjieff’s Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson. It wasn’t pleasurable, so I stopped. Of course, that’s Gurdjieff’s point. So I’m not speaking for him or others.

One thing I did appreciate from the first page of Gurdjieff’s three-volume Coyote tale is the first page, Friendly Advice, in which he advises one should read his “written expositions thrice.” The first is in a mechanized way. The second is as one person to another. And the third is to “fathom the gist.” I did read his Friendly Advice three times.

Nisargadatta says to his listeners, and therefore to the reader, that he, Nisargadatta Maharaj, is Consciousness speaking to Consciousness.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Blurgh One

It’s been five years on Twitter this month. Enough! Time to blog again. Blurgh?

Words. You can’t live with them and you can’t stop eating them.

And everyone loves their pet theories. Then they put them to sleep.

See! All is viewed through this lens of consciousness. The universe appears in this consciousness. This consciousness is god. I love it madly. 

Who loves it?

But science says this consciousness is a phenomenon of the brain, a product of the material world. See?

Wait, who says this? 

Ha! Consciousness says this. Who else?


Saturday, March 22, 2014

profisee 50 - lost in the dichotomy paradox

pure subjectivity must objectify itself
before it can know itself—

but gets lost in the object
until it hears itself calling—

like zeno's dichotomy paradox—

the intellect always solves
only half of what you really are—

intuition must dissolve you
with the other half…


Friday, March 14, 2014

identity, enlightenment, and non-doing pseutra

consciousness is the unmanifested absolute manifested—awareness becoming aware of its awareness

the body-mind is an instrument created by consciousness from consciousness for the functioning of consciousness—awareness aware of awareness

it is an aspect of the functioning of consciousness to misidentify itself with the body-mind, dividing itself from itself and so see itself

enlightenment is the spontaneous functioning of consciousness dis-identifying itself from the body-mind—awareness is aware of its awareness

consciousness misidentifying & disidentifying with body-mind is a spontaneous functioning of consciousness and there’s nothing ‘you’ can do

‘you’ have 2 options for doing—follow your bliss or think your way thru—surrender or fight—love or conditioning—either way you’re being done