Showing posts with label ptc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ptc. Show all posts

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Poetry Dares To Go Where No Words Do

Translating Nisargadatta:
the rare one
the individual;
the one
who understands
the play
of one
the one;
no words beyond.

The stars sound like crickets tonight.
After hydrogen appears the snake.
Duality is like laughing gas.
H-bomb beats laughing gas beats rock.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Eleven Ways of Looking at One

It's not a question of faith.
The absolute unknown is there.
That is a fact.

In the deep-sleep-like absolute,
being aware of that absolute unknown occurs,
and the big bang dream-like experiencing takes place. And time.

In the unknown absolute,
there's nothing personal.
There is a constant breathing though.

Not knowing is
a deep and wide

In one, two begins. 
But three is limited—
because in one, two claims to be two. 

In the beginning there's nothing to say.
And in time, because of that which can't be said,
there's still nothing to say.

The seed has sprouted. Let

The absolute can't be known.
That is what I am.
To that, this being only happens.

Deconstruction is easy.
Transcending knowledge is not.
The first love is the strongest.

From two, one is separate.
From zero, one isn't.
Krishna says one is one.

Or, zero and two are the same, love.
But one changes.
How is this?

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Number Eight Dream

As long as I think I understand the absolute truth, there's only me who doesn't.

Self-awareness is heightened by this evolution and limited by this evolution. Self-awareness is now.

Potentiality is unimaginable, so one imagines. One wants more but needs nothing.

Even if not energized by egoic reaction, the dream doesn't end but fades. Until the diary is opened at the end. This is called the closing credits.

Every morning you know this: this is my dream but I'm not this dream. Play it forward.

One already knows how a dream state works. Know that one is always witnessing a dream. Asleep or awake.

See me, feel me, listen. This is all one has to do. And while awake, I witness the original dream of being as well.

The latest mythology is scientific materialism. This happens to be the language I was taught. But my translations are from the heart.

Loving being is not a sickness. It's the original condition—on the unconditional.