Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Untitled Paraverse

One not busy dreaming lucidly is busy being someone else's dream. Great writers steal.

I’ve pretty much said it all but I am writing more.

I know I’m not the body but I’m eating three meals a day.

I know I’m not the mind but this week I’m reading The Winter's Tale and writing the same old paraverse.

If meditating doesn’t feel like love you’re either still attaching to some thought or just don’t know what love feels like.

I like this metrically. There’s like thirteen iambs in a row followed by a string of seven one-word single stresses.

I write until the writing says it over and then footnote these latest revelations. Lastly is the title. The end.


Self-awareness is not registered by the senses. Or the sense of self-awareness is love.

Everyone’s gotta serve some billionaire

Dude, if 2020 was like jaws, 2021 is like jumping the shark.

Or so I’m told up here on cold mountain.

The bbc 1981 the winter’s tale act 1 scene 2 is really good. The trio of actors, jeremy kemp, david burke, and robert stephens are true pros. This scene is like birth of the monster called thought and their expressions show it. #nondualshakespeare

I visited monument valley in 2006. it lives up to the hype.

It's not as much brain-washing, as much as it is dream-rinsing, friends. like recreating memory.

Postmodernism was pandora's box.

Welcome to postmemory.

Apres moi, chop wood and carry water. Don’t worry about the future. 

Because memory is never a true picture of the past, it can be changed.

Lucid dreaming is all about recreating memory. This is deep marketing 101.

Empires guard the past.

Memory is the battlefield.

Believe no memory.

It wasn't as much what I believed as I believed what I remembered.

Memory is at best unreliable and at worst not mine.

It's all virtual reality and only I decide what's virtuous and not.

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