Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Unconditional Love Only Knows

Lately it's been feeling like September in November. This isn't climate change. It's climate revolution.

As for presidential politics, just give it some time. Bureaucratic evidence isn't burnt in a day.

Hide Caesar inside Caesar. It's just appearances in consciousness anyways

You can only find yourself in consciousness, your subconscious is constantly saying.

As consciousness is, I am. And as to knowing what I am? That is no object.

But nihilism is to postmodern deconstruction as conspiracy theories are to nihilistic deconstruction.

Throw away the deconstruction with the deconstruction, is the only law of neti neti.

This is why we teach compassion first. Only love knows how to jump.


actually the virus is the spawn of climate change.

cool it, it's not a coup. he's just burying the bodies while they're still the law.

sometimes you bury politics in politics. sometimes the bear buries you.

the subconscious is the voice of consciousness talking to sleeping consciousness like it's a dream.

have faith. for every verb, there is a noumenon.

if 90% is non-deconstructed and 9% is over-deconstructed, 1% is love. and so on.

postmodern theory. nihilist conspiracy. perennial wisdom.

compassion is gradual samsara. love is sudden nirvana.

end notes:

listen, i heard there is no difference between scientific theory and conspiracy theory.

mistaking theory for fact is like mistaking map for terrain is like mistaking myth for truth.

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