Saturday, August 17, 2019

symphony two. myth is a method. for marcheterre.

The dream returns to consciousness like a whirlpool returning to the river. The river doesn't return to that pure awareness of mountain air but continues intentionally toward the sea of self-awareness.

Just because the tool has been misused doesn't mean it doesn't have a function. In this universe of self-awareness, myth is not mistake. Myth is a method.

For manifestation follows the myth and not vice-versa, like matter follows the so-called scientific theory of western materialism. Not only is deconstruction not an end in itself,

universal consciousness is using an understanding mind to imagine self-awareness. This is the way pure awareness does it. The immaculate conception is not a mistake.

After all, consciousness is the non-dual manifestation of the absolute. And mind is the non-dual imagination of being. The world is being stuck. Dis-identify the eye with me.

1. returning has many ways but great intent is only one way
2. don’t mistake the mistake
3. matter is unproven theory
4. awareness being self-aware is a feature of pure awareness
5. imagining nonduality is the penultimate phase 

the trailer
like a whirlpool returning to the river
myth is not mistake
manifestation follows the myth and not vice-versa
the way pure awareness does it
mind is the non-dual imagination of being

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